A profile picture of Loco7 Dance Puppet Theatre Company

Loco7 Dance Puppet Theatre Company

a black arrow pointing downward

Federico Restrepo
Founder/Artistic Director/ Designer

Denise Greber
Executive Director/ Performer/Designer

Loco7 Dance Puppet Theatre Company, founded by Colombian born artist, Federico Restrepo in 1985, develops and promotes creative productions of Dance, Theatre, Puppets, Visual Arts, Media, Music and other forms of artistic expression. The company explores the junction of race, culture, history, and media in New York and throughout the global community. Loco7's cultural policies emphasize pluralism, dialogue, and cultural transformation. Loco7 is an organization that has been built on diversity and this is reflected in the history of work. Our audiences reflect our artists: they are multigenerational, multicultural, multiracial, and inclusive of all sexual and gender identities. We pay particular attention to the growing immigrant communities and support their efforts to engage within the community.

Loco7 is a Latinx-run organization that feels it is of the utmost importance to be inclusive and represent the voices of underrepresented people. In addition, the company provides an artistic home and professional foundation for a multicultural group of performers, designers and theatre artists who collaborate with Loco7 on a project basis.  Currently our annual programming consists of workshops and performances for children and workshops and performances with seniors in affiliated senior centers, as well as a bi-annual fully realized adult production.

Loco7's artistic mission has been to develop the use of puppetry as an Instrument for the dancer, a style that incorporates dance and design. Utilizing original rhythmic music, live musicians, dancers, body puppets and larger then life marionettes, the objective is to merge these various elements and weave a choreography which extends beyond the body of the dancer. The undertaking of the ensemble is to deal with themes such as South and Central American Culture and History, the Immigrants' experience and New York City Urban Life.

Loco7 Dance Puppet Theatre is committed to improving our community through artistic and educational programming. Art has the unique power to unite communities and heal unseen wounds. Loco7 has facilitated workshops at Sirovich Center, The United Jewish Council, Grand Street Settlement, Bank Street Head Start, City Lore, PACT, and NYC-area public schools as well as many universities.

This puppet residency is supported in part by Cheryl Henson and The Jim Henson Foundation.

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