Nov 30, 2023

Land Back: Urban Creation Stories

Created by Andrina Smith (Shinnecock) and Murielle Borst-Tarrant (Kuna & Rappahannock)

a black arrow pointing downward

The Creation of Community in urban Indigenous settings. Acknowledging the diverse tribal communities that comprised the island of Manahatta.

Created by Andrina Smith (Shinnecock) and Murielle Borst-Tarrant (Kuna & Rappahannock)

Land Back: Urban Creation Stories is made possible with support from the Mellon Foundation's National Playwright Residency Program.

La MaMa Indigenous Initiative


The La MaMa Indigenous Initiative aims to provide a platform for Indigenous arts and culture, both nationally and worldwide. La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club is committed to supporting ethnic diversity, cultural pluralism, and marginalized identities in the arts. The Initiative curates original Indigenous programming, including workshops, markets, and theatrical productions, to elevate the voices and artistic works of Native communities both nationally and internationally.

Special Event