International Women's Day Series: Art & Renaissance Women of 2024
La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club in association with ArtWorld Studio Productions is pleased to announce the 4th annual International Woman’s Day 2024 event.
This multi-art annual event showcase the likes of world music, song, dance, poetry, storytelling, visual arts, tradition, myth, and will host internationally renowned guest artists, from around the world celebrating International Woman’s Day together. What better place to celebrate women than at Ellen Stewart’s La Mama Experimental Theatre Club. Ellen Stewart: one of the strongest, most powerful, generous, creative forces I am very honoured to have known and be nurtured by. She welcomed us into an international world of artists and like many artists from around the world, we were welcomed into her world, home to artists from around the globe.
This International Woman's Day Event features prominent, internationally acclaimed musicians such as from Italy: guitarist/ composer/teacher Leopoldo Calabria and accordion/trumpet player Umberto Ugoberti; I Cantori di Carpino (Serenade Cantors) with Nicola Gentile and Rosa Menonna; playing ancient rhythmic music; showcased in her workshop is renowned lutist Rosalba De Bonis, filmed by French journalist Camille Jayr; the music and voice of singer songwriter Cataldo Perri, as he plays the intriguing Calabrian beating guitar “chitarra battente” built by liutist of the renowned The De Bonis family; as well directly from Rome, world renowned opera singer and scholar and expert of “Il Bel Canto”, Michela Sburlati captures audiences with her beauty, technique and brilliant vocal range; from Canada: Jill Amantea, professional dancer, actress, and choreographer: performer, dancer Mia Buffone; videographer Greg Hayes; Damiano PietroPaolo CBC Radio Canada producer, director, Head of Arts and Entertainment, director, writer, lecturer, Radio Drama Studio Productions and winner of numerous awards; Artists who have worked in this event are the likes of dancer; visual artist and multi-facet-artist, dancer, choreographer, thespian, creative force Peter Jarvis; Song composer musician Sebastian Carubia, accordionist in renowned pop artist Mia Martini’s song “Stereo Love”; Walter Vivarelli and his band, thespian George Drance. Lastly participating is the artistic director, choreographer, singer Marisa Buffone.
From USA: Phillipine-American Choreographer/Dancer Artistic Director Potri Ranka Manis; Maureen Fleming: renowned for her original form of visual theatre realized through choreography for photography, video, and live performance.