Nov 1, 2014

Kids Workshop: Creating Vocal Sounds

a black arrow pointing downward

Liz Swados’ mission is to create engaging theater that is deeply connected to kids’ thoughts and feelings. Through exercises and improvisation, a group of children will come together to form an ensemble as each person joins in the creative process.

Liz Swados has devoted much of her career to making shows with, for, and about children and adolescents, including several shows with at-risk teenagers. She has composed, written and directed for over thirty years and her work has been performed on Broadway, off-Broadway, at La MaMa, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Carnegie Hall, and locations all over the world.

La MaMa Kids


La MaMa Kids Online presents kids performances and hands-on workshops online, timed especially for “after school” viewing! La MaMa will continue to use emerging technologies to create a new venue for artistic expression that questions how art can function and how we as a society can survive challenging periods of history.

Special Event