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Jump Start – Oct 24-27
Puppet artists get a chance to showcase their works in progress in the La MaMa Puppet Series. Featuring works-in-progress from Loco7 Dance Puppet Theatre, Double Image Theater Lab, Foreshadow, and Monica Lerch.
The Scarecrow – Nov 1-3
Through its innovative use of puppetry, powerful storytelling, and culturally relevant music, "The Scarecrow" aims to captivate audiences, provoke thought, and inspire change.
Downtown Variety: Ukraine Edition
La MaMa and CultureHub team up with Nashi Experimental Theatre Club to create a special edition of Downtown Variety, an online live performance series that features short acts of dance, music, theater, new media, comedy, A/V performance, and more. Downtown Variety brings La MaMa's 1960s café aesthe
Annual Fund
Our annual fund, and additional ways to support La MaMa include, but are not limited to: recommending a gift from your donor-advised fund; making a planned gift; connecting other philanthropic folks you know to La MaMa.
The $24 million capital renovation of La MaMa’s landmark building at 74A East 4th Street has preserved its historic façade and transformed its interior with ADA accessible spaces, flexible performance venues, and a data-wide building network to facilitate cross-cultural engagement across distance
Vulture (Helen)
Helen., with that terse little dot at the end, is a manifesto of a title. It says: There is no “of Troy.” I am not the cause or the crux of your war. I am only myself. Full stop.
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Apr 9, 2020 By Jenny Jensen AbacusProvince Night walk and the problems of uncertain youth Tellus integer feugiat scelerisque varius. Sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue nisi. At ultrices mi tempus imperdiet nulla malesuada pellentesque. Netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas sed. Morb
Get in touch
Get in touch After the legalisation of weed everyone was led to believe their cannabis charges would be removed and they could resume their lives without the burden of a criminal record. Frequently Asked Questions >> Write us Address Redaction #1 42 Børsgade Copenhagen CA 90291 +1123456789 he
La Mama Programs
LA MAMA PROGRAMS To date, La MaMa has supported more than 5,000 productions, featuring 150,000 artists from 70 nations. Founded in 1961 by theatre legend Ellen Stewart, La MaMa is the only original Off-Off-Broadway venue still in operation. Ellen established La MaMa as a haven for underrepresente
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“The progress required to claim new heights in tech” August 22, 2012 Resident Artists La MaMa Umbria International September 24, 2012 Art 8 Days of John Bryce home improvement just for you October 24, 2012 CommunityNews SpaceBridge Presentation